What is Web 3.0? This is what google says!
“Web 3.0 designates the next iteration or stage of the evolution of the Web/Internet and could potentially be as disruptive and symbolize as big a paradigm transformation as Web 2.0. Web 3.0 is constructed upon the core notions of decentralization, vulnerability, and greater user utility.”
The Web is one such technology that capitalizes on more than 3 Billion people for 80% of their working hours every day.
As hard to think as it might seem, Web 3.0 is a more complete disruption. It is a leap forward to open, trustless and permissionless networks.
- ‘Open’ is built from open-source software assembled by an open and unrestricted community of developers and managed in full view of the world.
- ‘Trustless’ in that the network itself authorizes participants to interact publicly or privately without an entrusted third party.
- ‘Permissionless’ in that anyone, both users and suppliers, can partake without a license from a governing body.
Web 3.0 is built mainly on three new layers of technological innovation: edge computing, decentralized data networks and artificial intelligence.
Web 3.0 and NFTs!
Web 3.0 pledges safeguard all things we value: information, truth and digital assets — both fungible and non fungible. NFTs designate both transferable entities and nontransferable tokens. The latter include our identification, healthcare records and passports, which define us and allow us to participate in the digital thrift with our own unique, digital identities.
NFTs, digital currencies, and other blockchain commodities will be vital to Web3. For instance, Reddit is presently making Web3 inroads by devising a way to use cryptocurrency tokens to allow users to own points of the communities. The idea would be that users would use NFT tokens known as “community points,” which they gain by posting on a particular subreddit. The user then earns points based on how many upvotes or downvotes that post reaches from other users. Those points can effectively function as voting claims, allowing users who have made valued contributions to have more say when making judgments that affect the community. Because those points live on the blockchain, their owners have more authority over them; they can’t quickly be carried away. A corporate version of a Web3 concept known as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, or DAOs, use tokens to make license and decision-making abilities more square.