2 min readJan 24, 2022

How can someone know about NFTs and their legitimacies?

You might understand about new NFT projects from your friend or YouTube influencers. Please remember that YouTubers are incentivized to shill their purses and may not be accurate in their Videos.

To accurately understand what a community entails, join their Discord. Follow them on Twitter. The minimum is to stalk and observe, ask questions and see how the team and other members respond. These are the people who will define the success of a project, and you want to be able to trust them.

But most importantly, be a part of communities!

People who wish to buy and sell NFTs benefit from supportive, communicative, and highly insightful groups. These groups propagate the value of NFTs in their numerous forms. NFT community members eagerly examine and trade among themselves. Most projects will have their channels hosted on apps, such as Discord and Telegram. The trends and announcements can be spotted, often consistent, before collection(s) land on marketplaces.

The community makes the wheels turn and run. In many cases, the communities are the driving force behind an NFT project’s success. They play a significant function in the sector’s enormous growth. Sales magnitudes grew to $10.7 billion in the third quarter of 2021.

While Twitter is a central hub for big influencers, the most significant communities of NFT enthusiasts exits on Reddit. It has several dedicated sections like r/NFT, r/NFTsMarketplace, etc. Redditors share news, discuss prospects and sometimes even communicate directly with developers, creators, artists and collectors.

The community aspect is also at the forefront of diverse NFT marketplaces. Assume OpenSea, for instance. It has indexed NFT collections per category based on those trending in the community.

Healthful communities are a crucial and exemplary aspect of all NFT projects, and many have done it well. So do check them out!




