3 min readFeb 7, 2022


How would you react if your trading account showed you a balance of more than $1 trillion one morning immediately after you woke up? Realise it’s a dream and go back to bed?

Christopher Williamson, a nursing student, woke up on the morning of June 16 to check his trading account on Coinbase, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges and fell out of bed. You guessed right, and it’s him I was talking about!

Hard work?


Hard luck?


Let’s continue with the story to know!

He went on Twitter the same day to control things. “I’m going to need someone to explain what the heck is going on and then write me a check. I got a mega-yacht shaped like a penguin on standby,” Williamson posted on his Twitter handle.

It turned out that the $20 worth of RocketBunny cryptocurrency that Williamson had bought using his Coinbase account had not turned into more than $1 trillion overnight. The balance reflected on Williamson’s Coinbase account was a ‘technical error’.

Before getting into finer details into Williamson’s troubles, it is essential to recognise the cryptocurrency Williamson bought for $20.

RocketBunny is a recent entrant in cryptocurrency, pledging to be a deflationary token with the most outstanding supply of 777 quadrillions.

This is how RocketBunny defines its currency: “Each transaction incurs a 4% tax that is distributed in four equal parts: 1% to holders, 1% burned to The Rabbit’s Hole, 1% locked liquidity, and 1% as a bonus to liquidity providers. As volume boosts, the amount burned gains logarithmically, ultimately leading to an exponential decline in supply.”

The cryptocurrency was last quoting a price of $0.000000000036. Yes, that’s 12 decimal points after the zero! The value of the cryptocurrency has nosedived 76 per cent over the past 22 days, making the possibility of Williamson becoming a trillionaire because of the cryptocurrency a near impossibility.

Williamson’s gruelling adventure did not end soon. Despite multiple pleas to both Coinbase and RocketBunny, the $1 trillion balance crisis in his trading account could not be sorted out until publication.

Williamson notified on Twitter that the value of his account was still going up, but he could not cash out as Coinbase had frozen it. The attention drawn to Williamson’s story has boosted RocketBunnny’s coin as the cryptocurrency surged over 9 per cent in a day or two.

Williamson’s story has captured the cryptocurrency world. Many are recommending Coinbase to rectify its mistake, while others urge him to make sure he gets some relief for his emotional and financial troubles.

Addressing the Coinbase accounts, Williamson joked: “I’m going to need someone to explain what the heck is going on and then write me a check. I got a mega-yacht shaped like a penguin on standby.

In my opinion, this isn’t a Rocket Bunny issue; it is strictly on Coinbase. Doesn’t that sound like a publicity stunt?







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